Saturday, 12 January 2008

Gravestones to books

Thoroughly inspired by the ideas for taking my gravestone research further, I took the drawings I had done previously of outlines of gravestones,

and doodled. I liked the simple outline most of all. Put on top of one another they reminded me of Lowry's figures.

I played with stitching simple lines in straight stitch and zigzag.

I had the idea of creating a book within the gravestone shape. The gravestone generally marks the date of birth and death, and the book inside represents to me the life story of that particular person. I wanted the book to stand upright too, just like the gravestone. So I was up early this morning and before breakfast had created this mock-up. I think it has lots of potential now for making a stitched cover in various techniques and also trying out various book binding methods.

Having created a present for a friend's 50th birthday using Frances Pickering's transfer dyes onto pelmet vilene method, I think it is time to use this method to make something for me! Next week I can post a pic of the birthday present I made as by then J. will have opened it! Hope she likes it.


Gina said...

Looking forward to seeing this Lesley. Think it's going to be fabulous. Sorry you missed the Designer Craftsman exhibition.

Kentish Maid said...

Hi Lesley
Love the shapes you have created. I especially like the idea of the book being able to stand up. Looking forward to seeing it progress.